It's a rare ingredient in Cortexi that has no specific effect on ear or hearing health. This facilitates hearing. Not only that, but it also aids to improve brain function and concentration. This formula is 100% natural and uses no artificial or chemical components. They also use cutting-edge technology to provide you with the best formula. GSE is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, linoleic, copper, potassium and others. Cortexi Hearing Support can be purchased in liquid form, packaged in bottles. Share vendor recommendations, details and advice to other couples in your area to find out what Florida has to offer. Gymnema Sylvestre is a perennial vine found in the forests of India, Africa, and Australia. Increased blood flow can help improve your hearing, heal and maintain ear health. Jim began taking Cortexi after one of his friends suggested it. If you do not like to take it under your tongue directly, you can add this formula to any beverage of your choice, including coffee. After consuming Cortexi, you will be able to live a stress-free life. This further hinders the cells from transmitting sounds to the mind. The drops cause no pain or discomfort. It is a good time to do it, as even a small problem or hit can cause a lot of trouble.